A Review of Common Tanning Methods

It’s summertime just around the corner, and for many people that means one thing: time to hit the beach and get a tan. But before you head to the sun, it’s important to know about the different types of tanning methods available. This article will review the most common tanning methods and their pros and cons.

A Review of Common Tanning Methods

Sun Tanning

Sun tanning is the most natural way to get a tan, and it’s also the most dangerous. That’s because UV rays from the sun can cause skin cancer. Sun tanning is also bad for your eyes, and it can damage your skin over time.

Tanning Beds

Tanning beds use artificial UV rays to give you a tan. They’re not as dangerous as sun tanning, but they can still cause skin cancer if you use them too often. Tanning beds can also cause wrinkles and other signs of aging.


Self-tanners are lotions or sprays that contain chemicals that change the color of your skin. They’re much safer than sun tanning or tanning beds, but they can also cause skin irritation. You should consider using a hypoallergenic indoor tanning lotion to avoid any irritation or allergies during tanning. These lotions are available over the counter and come in a variety of colors. They are typically applied to the skin using a cloth or sponge and must be allowed to dry completely before dressing. Some people find self-tanning lotions to be an easy method as compared to the other ones.

Spray Tans

Spray tans are a popular alternative to self-tanners. They use a special spray to give you a tan. Spray tans are safe, but they can be expensive.

Sunless Tanners

Sunless tanners are lotions that you apply to your skin. They work by adding color to your skin that looks like a tan. Sunless tanners are safe, and they’re the best option if you want to avoid UV rays from the sun or tanning beds.

Which Method Is the Best for You?

There is no one best method of tanning. Different methods work better or worse for different people, depending on their skin type and how much sun they can tolerate. All these methods have their own pros and cons so make sure you go through them before choosing a particular method. Keep your skin type and its response to different products in mind before you choose a particular method.

How to Ensure That Your Skin Stays Safe During the Tanning

There are a few ways to ensure that your skin stays safe during tanning. First, always use sunscreen when tanning, even if you are using an indoor tanning bed. Sunscreen should be applied every two hours, or after swimming or sweating. Additionally, avoid tanning if you have sunburn, and stay in the shade when possible. Finally, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and help protect your skin from the sun’s rays. I personally recommend using indoor tanning lotions as they are safer and you do not have to get yourself exposed to the outer environment. If you are using tanning lotions, don’t forget to check out indoor tanning lotion reviews to choose the best product for you.


We hope that you enjoyed reading this article reviewing some common tanning methods. If you’re still on the fence about which method to choose, ask yourself what your main goal is for a suntan. Do you want an even skin tone? To get rid of wrinkles and age spots? Or are you looking for protection from harmful UV rays? Different types of tanners will be better suited for different goals. Whatever type of sunless tanner or spray tan solution you decide to go with, make sure it has been approved by dermatologists before using it!